International Productivity Monitor Number 24, Fall 2012
W. Erwin Diewert and Emily Yu New Estimates of Real Income and Multifactor Productivity Growth for the Canadian Business Sector, 1961-2011 Appendix 1: Explaining Real Income Growth: The Translog Approach Appendix 2: Business Sector Data on Outputs and Inputs for Canada, 1961-2011
Wulong Gu Estimating Capital Input for Measuring Business Sector Multifactor Productivity Growth in Canada: Response to Diewert and Yu
W. Erwin Diewert Rejoinder to Gu on “Estimating Capital Input for Measuring Canadian Multifactor Productivity Growth”
Paul Schreyer Comment on “Estimating Capital Input for Measuring Business Sector Multifactor Productivity Growth in Canada”
Michael J. Harper, Alice O. Nakamura and Lu Zhang Difficulties Assessing Multifactor Productivity for Canada