International Productivity Monitor, Number 17

International Productivity Monitor
Number 17, Fall 2008


Editor’s Overview 
Andrea Bassanini and Danielle Venn
The Impact of Labour Market Policies on Productivity in OECD Countries 
Andrew Sharpe, Jean-Francois Arsenault, and Peter Harrison
Why Have Real Wages Lagged Labour Productivity Growth in Canada? 
Unabridged Version 
Gilbert Cette and Jimmy Lopez
What Explains the ICT Diffusion Gap Between the Major Industrialized Countries: An Empirical Analysis? 
Unabridged Version 
Daniel Lind
ICT Production and Productivity in Sweden and Finland, 1975-2004 
Ariel Coremberg
The Measurement of TFP in Argentina, 1990-2004: A Case of the Tyranny of Numbers, Economic Cycles and Methodology 
Unabridged Version 
Jean-Pierre Villetelle
Improving US National Accounts Integration and Consistency: A Review Article on A New Architecture for the U.S. National Accounts 

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