International Productivity Monitor, Number 8

International Productivity Monitor
Observateur international de la productivité

Number 8, Spring 2004


Editor's Overview 
Peter Howitt
Endogenous Growth, Productivity and Economic Policy: A Progress Report 
Andrew Sharpe
Recent Productivity Developments in Canada and the United States: Productivity Growth Deceleration versus Acceleration 
Gilbert Cette and Christian Pfister
Challenges of the "New Economy" for Monetary Policy 
Unabridged Version 
Giovanni Notaro
ICT, Output and Productivity Growth in the United Kingdom: A Sectoral Analysis 
Unabridged Version 
Jeremy Smith
Assessing Aggregate Productivity Trends in Canada and the United States: Total Economy versus Business Sector Perspectives 
Unabridged Version 
Dirk Pilat and Paul Schreyer
The OECD Productivity Database: An Overview 
Anita Wölfl
Productivity Growth in Services Industries: Is There a Role for Measurement? 
Unabridged Version 
Andrew Sharpe
Understanding Economic Growth: Review Article of Why Economies Grow 

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