International Productivity Monitor, Number 41

International Productivity Monitor

Number 41, Fall 2021



Table of Contents 

Andrew Sharpe and Bart van Ark
Editors' Overview 

Symposium on the Decoupling of Productivity and Pay in the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada

Jacob Greenspon, Anna Stansbury and Lawrence H. Summers
Productivity and Pay in United States and Canada 

Andreas Teichgraber and John Van Reenen
Have Productivity and Pay Decoupled in the UK? 

Lawrence Mishel and Josh Bivens
The Productivity-Median Compensation Gap in the United States: The Contribution of Increased Wage Inequality and the Role of Policy Choice 

Andrew Sharpe and James Ashwell
The Evolution of the Productivity-Median Wage Gap in Canada, 1976-2019 

Robert Inklaar and Pieter Woltjer
Is Egypt Really More Productive than the United States? The Data behind the Penn World Table 

Cindy Cunningham, Sabrina Wulff Pabilonia, Jay Stewart, Lucia Foster, Cheryl Grim, John Haltiwanger and Zoltan Wolf
Chaos Before Order: Productivity Patterns in U.S. Manufacturing 

Robin C. Sickles and Valentin Zelenyuk
Response to Review Article by Bert Balk on Measurement of Productivity and Efficiency, Theory and Practice 

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