International Productivity Monitor, Number 43

International Productivity Monitor

Number 43, Fall 2022



Table of Contents 

Andrew Sharpe, Dan Sichel, and Bart van Ark
Editors' Overview 

Symposium on Productivity and Well-being, Part II

Andrew Sharpe, Dan Sichel, and Bart van Ark
Introduction to the Symposium on Productivity and Well-being, Part II 

Francesco Sarracino and Kelsey J. O'Connor
A Measure of Well-being Efficiency Based on the World Happiness Report 
The online appendix is available here 

Chiara Peroni, Maxime Pettinger, and Francesco Sarracino
Productivity Gains from Worker Well-being in Europe 
The online appendix is available here 

Charles-Henri DiMaria, Chiara Peroni, and Francesco Sarracino
From Economic Productivity to Productive Well-being: the Role of Life Satisfaction and Adjusted Net Savings 
The online appendix is available here 

John F. Helliwell
Reflections on Measuring and Improving Productivity When Subjective Well-being Is the Objective 

Weilin Liu, Qian Cheng, and Robin C. Sickles
Productivity Growth and Spillover Across European and American Industries: A Global Value Perspective Based on EU KLEMS 
The online appendix is available here 

Bishwanath Goldar
Did Trade Liberalization Boost Total Factor Productivity Growth in Manufacturing in India in the 1990s? 
The online appendix is available here 

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