The International Productivity Monitor has an International Advisory Committee (IAC) composed of prominent productivity researchers to provide advice related to the operations and editorial
decisions of the journal. The opinions and views expressed in the Monitor are not necessarily those of the institutions with which members of the International Advisory Committee are affiliated.
Current Membership of the International Advisory Committee
Dan Andrews
Martin N. Baily
Brookings Institution
Nicholas Bloom
Stanford University
Paul Conway
Reserve Bank of New Zealand
Gilbert Cette
NEOMA Business School
Erwin Diewert
University of British Columbia
Lucy Eldridge
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
John Fernald
INSEAD and Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Dennis Fixler
U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis
Kevin Fox
University of New South Wales
Barbara Fraumeni
Central University for Economics and Finance
Robert J. Gordon
Northwestern University
Jonathan Haskel
Imperial College
Robert Inklaar
University of Groningen
Lawrence Jeffrey Johnson
International Labour Organization
Catherine Mann
Brandeis University and the Bank of England
Megan MacGarvie
Boston University
Josh Martin
Bank of England
Giuseppe Nicoletti
Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali
Pascal Petit
Université Paris-Nord
Marshall Reinsdorf
International Monetary Fund, retired
Rebecca Riley
UK Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence (ESCoE)
Paul Schreyer
Daniel Sichel
Wellesley College
Anna Stansbury
Chad Syverson
University of Chicago
Anthony Venables
University of Manchester and The Productivity Institute
Ilya Voskoboynikov
Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Edward Wolff
New York University
Harry Wu
Peking University
Emeritus Membership of the International Advisory Committee
Ernie Berndt
Larry Mishel
Economic Policy Institute
The committee meets once a year in conjunction with the annual meeting of the American Economic Association.
The most recent meeting took place on January 3, 2020 in San Diego. At this meeting, IAC member Dale Jorgenson was
presented with a festschrift in honour of his many contributions to the productivity field. Photos of the event can be browsed below.