Authors' Workshop on "Productivity and Social Progress in Canada: Perspectives and Prospectives"
January 25-26 2001, Minto Place Suites Hotel, Ottawa, Ontario
Friday, January 25, 2001
8:30 AM |
Coffee and Muffins |
9:00 |
Opening Remarks
Andrew Sharpe (Centre for the Study of Living Standards)
France St-Hilaire (Institute for Research on Public Policy)
Keith Banting (Queen's University)
9:15-12:15 AM |
Session 1 Productivity Trends and Prospects, Issues, and Attitudes
Chair: Keith Banting (Queen's University)
Paper: Andrew Sharpe (CSLS): “Productivity Concepts, Trends and Prospects: An Overview”
Discussant: Someshwar Rao (Industry Canada)
Paper: Bart van Ark (University of Groningen and Yale University): “Productivity, Income and Investment in the OECD Area: Are Intangibles the Missing Link?”
Discussant: Tom Rymes (Carleton University)
Paper: Frank Graves and Richard Jenkins (Ekos Research Associates): “The Attitudes of Canadians to Productivity: Balancing Standard of Living and Quality of Life”
Discussant: Keith Banting (Queen's University)
12:15-1:15 PM |
Lunch (Monck Room)
1:15-3:15 PM |
Session 2 The Impact of Productivity on Wages and Sustainability
Chair: David Slater CSLS
Paper: Doug Hostland (Finance Canada) and Tony Fisher (Finance Canada): “Labour Productivity, Disposable Income and Living Standards in Canada”
Discussant: Pierre Fortin (UQAM)
Presentation: Nancy Olewiler (Simon Fraser University): “The Impact of Technical Advance and Productivity Growth for Natural Resource and Environmental Sustainability”
3:15-3:30 PM |
3:30-5:30 PM |
Session 3 Population Ageing and Immigration and Productivity
Chair: France St-Hilaire (IRPP)
Paper: Bill Scarth (McMaster University): “Population Ageing and Growth in Living Standards”
Discussant: Marcel Merette (University of Ottawa)
Presentation: Alice Nakamura (University of Alberta) and Erwin Diewert (UBC): “The Potential Impact of Immigration on Productivity”
Discussant: Liz Ruddick (Citizenship and Immigration Canada)
12:15-1:15 PM |
Dinner (Vittoria Trattoria, 35 Williams Street)
Saturday, January 26, 2001
8:30 AM |
Coffee and Muffins |
9:00-12:00 PM |
Session 4 Human Capital, Health, Social Progress and Productivity Growth
Chair: Renée St-Jacques (Industry Canada)
Paper: Arthur Sweetman (Queen's University): “A Canadian Perspective on Education and Economic Growth”
Discussant: Miles Corak (Statistics Canada)
Paper: Emil Tompa (McMaster University and Institute for Work and Health): “Health Status and Productivity”
Discussant: Michael Wolfson (Statistics Canada)
Paper: Joseph Heath (Université de Montréal): “Should Productivity Be a Social Priority?”
Discussant: Ian Stewart (CSLS)
12:00-1:00 PM |
Lunch (Monck Room)
1:00-3:00 PM |
Session 5 Social Policy, Productivity Advance, and the Role of Government
Chair: Andrew Sharpe (CSLS)
Presentation: Bill Watson (IRPP and McGill University): “What Do We Want to Encourage and How Do We Encourage It?”
Discussant: Brian MacLean (Laurentian University)
Paper: Robert Jenness, Michael McCracken and Bert Waslander (Informetrica): “Productivity and Fiscal Federalism: Canada and the United States Compared”
Discussant: Peter Hicks (social policy consultant)
3:00 PM |
Closing Remarks: Andrew Sharpe (CSLS)