CSLS Conference on the State of Living Standards

CSLS conference on The State of Living Standards and the Quality of Life in Canada
October 30-31, 1998, Chateau Laurier Hotel, Ottawa, Ontario.


  It is widely believed that the standard of living and the quality of life of Canadians, while high from an international perspective, have improved little or even deteriorated in recent years. Is this an accurate portrayal of reality? To address this issue, the Centre for the Study of Living Standards (CSLS) has organized a major conference to be held in Ottawa October 30-31, 1998. All persons interested in this topic are invited to attend.

  The conference will examine developments in various dimensions of economic and social well-being in this country. The CSLS has developed a new index of economic well-being for Canada based on trends in consumption, stocks of wealth, inequality and economic security and this index will be unveiled at the conference.

  The conference represents the second stage of a major CSLS project on the state of living standards and quality of life in Canada coordinated by Lars Osberg of Dalhousie University and Andrew Sharpe of the CSLS. Nearly 50 researchers, primarily from Canada but also from the United States and Europe, are involved in the project. The project is being overseen by a Research Advisory Committee composed of over 35 representatives of government department and agencies, non-profit organizations and private sector organizations. The first stage of the project was a preconference in June 1998. The project's third stage will be the publication of a volume by the University of Toronto Press on the state of living standards and quality of life in Canada based on papers presented at the conference.


The Centre for the Study of Living Standards would like to thank Human Resources Development Canada, the Laidlaw Foundation, the Institute for Work and Health, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Health Canada, Industry Canada, and the Canadian Labour Congress for the financial assistance that has made possible the project on the state of living standards and quality of life in Canada.

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