Despite the extensive structural reforms
the Canadian economy has undergone in
the 1990s, there has been no narrowing of the
gap in labour productivity levels in manufacturing
between Canada and the United States.
Indeed, just the opposite has occurred, with the
gap increasing since official data show that output
per hour growth in manufacturing has
advanced at a faster pace in the United States
than in Canada. This trend has obviously
important implications for Canadian competitiveness
and the Canada's relative standard of
To address the issue of slower manufacturing
labour productivity growth and lower
labour productivity levels in Canada relative to
the United States, the Centre for the Study of
Living Standards (CSLS) has organized a major
international conference to be held in Ottawa
January 21-22, 2000. All persons interested in
this key economic issue are invited to attend.
Fifteen papers by well-known Canadian,
American and European productivity experts
will be presented, with discussion of the papers
by leading economists. Topics covered include
the size of the productivity gap, the competitiveness
of the Canadian manufacturing sector,
measurement problems in the manufacturing
sector, the contribution of trade specialization
patterns to the gap, small business and the productivity
gap, the contribution of an innovation
gap to the productivity gap, and case studies of
Canada-U.S. productivity trends in the auto assembly
and chemicals industries. Panels featuring senior
business leaders and economic policy makers have
been organized on the perspectives of manufacturers
on Canada's relative productivity performance and
on policy levers to improve manufacturing performance.
Finally, there will be three distinguished luncheon
and dinner speakers, including Dale Jorgenson
of Harvard University.
The conference is being coordinated by Andrew
Sharpe, CSLS Executive Director; Rick Harris,
Professor of Economics at Simon Fraser University;
and Jeffrey Bernstein, Professor of Economics at
Carleton University. A Research Advisory
Committee composed of representatives from government
and non-governmental organizations has
provided advice in the organization of the conference.
The Centre for the Study of Living Standards would
like to thank Industry Canada, the Canadian Donner
Foundation, the Ontario Ministry of Finance and the
Business Council on National Issues for the financial
support that made this conference possible.
The CSLS Conference on the Canada-U.S. Manufacturing
Productivity Gap will take place at the Chateau Laurier
Hotel in Ottawa, Ontario on Friday, January 21 and
Saturday, January 22, 2000.
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Chateau Laurier
hotel at the conference rate of $169 plus tax. To reserve,
call 613-241-1414 or 1-800-441-1414 and mention the
CSLS and the name of the conference.
Rooms at a lower rate are available at the Lord Elgin
Hotel (613-235-333 or 1-800-267-4298) and Town House
Motor Hotel (1-888-789-4949), both within walking distance
of the conference hotel.