Improving Measures of Health Care Output and Outcomes in Canada |
Improving Measure of Health Care Output and Outcomes in Canada - Invitational Conference Organized by the Centre for the Study of Living Standards and Canada Medical Association
Quebec Suite, Fairmont Chateau Laurier,Ottawa, Ontario
October 30, 2007
Conference Summary
9:00-9:15      Opening Remarks: Brian Day MD - President, Canadian Medical Association (CMA)
                  Ian Stewart - Chair, Centre for the Study of Living Standards (CSLS)
9:15-9:45      Opening Speaker: "What Big Picture Issues in Health Care Are Starved for Information?"
                  The Honourable Wilbert Keon MD, Senator
9:45-11:00     Session I: Current Methodologies & Estimates of Output & Outcomes in Health Care
Chair:                 Richard Van Loon (CSLS)
                  Presenters:         Andrew Sharpe - Executive Director, CSLS
                                           Michael Wolfson - Assistant Chief Statistician, Statistics Canada
                                           Ana Aizcorbe - US Bureau of Economic Analysis
11:00-11:15   Break
11:15-12:30   Session II: New Approaches to the Measurement of Health Output & Outcomes
                  Chair:                 Owen Adams - Assistant Secretary General, Research, Policy & Ethics, CMA
                  Presenters:         Frank Lichtenberg - Columbia University
                                           Robert Evans - University of British Columbia
12:30-1:00     Lunch Presentation in the MacDonald Room: The Value of Measuring Health Outcomes
                  David Cutler - Harvard University (via videoconference)
2:00-3:30      Session III: Visions for Better Measures of Health Output & Outcomes
                  Chair:                 Andre Picard - Public health reporter, the Globe & Mail
                  Presenters:         William G. Tholl - Secretary General & Chief Executive Officer, CMA
                                           Glenda Yeates - President & CEO, Canadian Institute for Health Information
                                           Ian Bowmer MD - Vice-Chair, Health Council of Canada
                                           Sarah Muttitt MD - Vice President Innovation and Adoption, Canada Health Infoway
3:30-3:45      Break
3:45-5:00      Session IV: Translation Visions for Better Measures of Health Output into Reality
                  Chair:                  Brian Day MD - President (elect), Canadian Medical Association (CMA)
                  Presenters:         Jack Triplett - Senior Fellow, Brookings Institute
                                           David Zussman - Jarislowsky Chair, Public Sector Management, University of Ottawa
                                           William Robson - President & CEO, the CD Howe Institute