Sessions Organized by the Centre for the Study of Living Standards at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Economics Association,
University of Toronto, May 28-30, 1999
Session 1: Trends in Income Distribution in Canada
Friday, May 28 8:30-10:00
Chair: Alice Nakamura (University of Alberta)
- Krishna Pendakur (Simon Fraser University) "Trends in Consumption Distribution in Canada: Sensitivity to Equivalence Scales"
- Gordon Anderson and Peter Ibbott (University of Toronto) "Measures of Poverty in Canada: Ambiguity and Conflict"  (77Kb)
- Richard Chaykowski (Queen's University) and George Slotsve (Northern Illinois University) "Unions, Earnings Inequality, and Economic Well-Being in Canada"
Ross Finnie (Statistics Canada and Queen's University)
Andrew Sharpe (Centre for the Study of Living Standards)
Session 2: Why Is the Value of the Canadian Dollar So Low? (session co-sponsored by the Canadian Association for Business Economics)
Friday, May 28 13:45-15:15
Chair: Andrew Sharpe (Centre for the Study of Living Standards)
Patrick Grady (Global Economics)
John Helliwell (University of British Columbia)
Session 3: Is Increased Skills Mismatch Contributing to Structural Unemployment in Canada?
Friday, May 28 13:45-15:15
Chair: Jean-Pierre Voyer (Human Resources Development Canada)
- Louis Grignon, Marcel Bédard, and Jean-Francois Bertrand (HDRC) "New Findings on Long-Term Joblessness in Canada"
- Lars Osberg (Dalhousie University) and Zhengxi Lin (StatisticsCanada) "How Much of Canada's Unemployment is Structural?"  (140Kb)
- Richard Roy and Yves Gingras (HRDC) "Skills Shortages and Mismatch in the Canadian Economy"
Frank Reid (University of Toronto)
Mario Seccareccia (University of Ottawa)
Session 4: The Youth Labour Market in Canada in the 1990s
Friday, May 28 15:30-17:00
Chair: David Slater (CSLS)
- Thomas Lemieux (Universite de Montreal and CIRANO), Paul Beaudry (UBC, CIRANO, and CIAR) and Daniel Parent (McGill University and CIRANO) "What is Happening in the Youth Labour Market in Canada?" 
- Morley Gunderson (University of Toronto), Andrew Sharpe (CSLS) and Steven Wald "Youth Unemployment in Canada"
Réné Morissette (Statistics Canada)
Steve Jones (McMaster University)
Session 5: Panel: What Explains the Canada-U.S. Manufacturing Productivity Gap?
Saturday, May 29 8:30-10:00
Chair: Andrew Sharpe (Centre for the Study of Living Standards)
Serge Nadeau (Industry Canada)
Daniel Schwanen (CD Howe Institute)
John Baldwin (Statistics Canada)
Roger Martin (University of Toronto)
Session 6: Has the Quality of Working Life Fallen in Canada in the 1990s?
Saturday, May 29 13:45-15:15
Chair: John O'Grady (O'Grady Consulting)
- Andrew Jackson (Canadian Labour Congress) and Pradeep Kumar (Queen's University), "Measuring and Monitoring the Quality of Working Life"
- Wayne Lewchuk (McMaster University) and David Robinson (CAW) "Quality of Work Life in Canada"
Anil Verma (University of Toronto)
Keith Newton (Carleton University)
Session 7 Panel: Are Canadian Better Off in 1999 than in 1989?
Saturday, May 29 15:30-17:00
Chair: Linda McQuaig (author)
Bill Robson (CD Howe Institute).
Chris Sarlo (Nipissing University) Speaking Notes  (20Kb)
Andrew Sharpe (Centre for the Study of Living Standards)
Jim Stanford (Canadian Auto Workers) "Economic Freedom"  (65Kb)