CSLS Sessions at the Annual Meeting of the CEA

Sessions Organized by the Centre for the Study of Living Standards at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Economics Association,
May 31-June 2, 2002 at the University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta

Friday, May 31, 12:00-1:30 Blue Room, Dining Centre

Industry Canada Reception to Launch the Research Volume Productivity Issues in Canada (All Invited)
(event organized by the Centre for the Study of Living Standards)

Friday, May 31, 15:30-17:00

Session 1: Evaluating the National Child Benefits Program

Chair: Ross Finnie (Queen's University and Statistics Canada)


Wayne Simpson (University of Manitoba)
Michael Mendelson (Caledon Institute for Social Policy and HRDC)

Saturday, June 1, 15:30-17:00

Session 2: Trends in Economic Well-being

Chair: Alice Nakamura (University of Alberta)


  • Michael Burns (University of South Australia) and Pauline Halchuk (Dalhousie University) "Determining the Weights in Measures of Economic Well-being"
  • Lars Osberg (Dalhousie University) and Andrew Sharpe (Centre for the Study of Living Standards) "An Index of Labour Market Well-being"
  • Lars Osberg (Dalhousie University), Andrew Sharpe (Centre for the Study of Living Standards) and Jeremy Smith (Centre for the Study of Living Standards) "Trends in Economic Well-being for Canadian Provinces, 1980-1999 (286Kb)

Mario Seccareccia (University of Ottawa)
Douglas Hostland (Finance Canada)

Sunday, June 2, 8:30-10:00

Session 3: Linkages Between Productivity and Social Progress

(co-organized by the CSLS and IRPP)

Chair: Andrew Sharpe (Centre for the Study of Living Standards)


Craig Riddell (University of British Columbia)
John Helliwell (University of British Columbia)

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